Pericles, Prince of Tyre


T. Ryder Smith as The Pander; Kathleen Monteleone as The Bawd.
Foreground, Kathleen Monteleone, Don Perkins, Diana LaMar, T. Ryder Smith.





Eric Kramer as Pericles.
Leland Gantt as Gower.

Excerpts from the reviews

“Paul  Barry rises to a rare challenge. It’s many small shortcomings aside, his production is not only entertaining, but heartfelt and ultimately stirring. The prow-like stage is hung with rotting sails and riggings, and the actors enter in a welter of modern dress, Caribbean costumes and buccaneer accessories. Gradually, these tipsy tourists and bored sailors don ancient garb to enact Shakespeare’s story . . . Eric Kramer is a deeply successful Pericles, Diana LaMar ‘s Marina wins us over with her ethereal tenderness . . . and there is a wonderfully witty, double-edged performance by Festival discovery T. Ryder Smith as King Saturninus and The Pander . . . Odd, fitful, spellbinding, sometimes silly and sometimes profound, ‘Pericles’ is among the Festival’s richest achievements.” – Bob Campbell, The Newark Star-Ledger 

“What a journey! What a production! . . . Best of all is that rare but always exciting sense of ensemble, the spirit which an entire cast reflects when they know what they are doing is extraordinary. ‘Pericles’ is a tough play, a major challenge, but this company makes it look easy.“ – Allen Crossett, The Observer-Tribune


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